Sweeping Blade - Yasuo - Wild Rift

Sweeping Blade

Dashes through target enemy, dealing magic damage. Each cast increases your next dash's base Damage, up to a max amount. Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for a few seconds. If Steel Tempest is cast while dashing, it will strike as a circle. 

Type: 3rd active skill of Yasuo

Cooldown: 0.4 seconds

Dashes through target enemy, dealing 70 magic damage (70 + 20% bonus AD + 60% AP). Each cast increases the next dash’s base damage by 25%, up to +50%.

Cannot be re-cast on the same enemy for 8 seconds.

If Steel Tempest is tapped during this dash, it will strike as a circle.

Skill levels:
  • Level 1: 
    • Cooldown: 0.4
    • Base damage: 70
  • Level 2
    • Cooldown: 0.3
    • Base damage: 80
  • Level 3:
    • Cooldown: 0.2
    • Base damage: 90
  • Level 4:
    • Cooldown: 0.1
    • Base damage: 100




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